The European quality system has established itself as a paradigm in its ability to convey a unique, distinct, and rich in excellence agri-food history. European agricultural products are distinguished by:
One of the primary goals of European agri-food policy is to protect the quality of agri-food production. EU legislation on product labelling is a critical feature for product innovation and providing accurate information to consumers.
The components and values that identify European products are the production techniques tied to tradition and the links with the territories. Tradition evokes regionality, typicality, craftmanship, and the hedonistic component that characterizes European “know how”.
Food safety is a priority for the European Union, and the particular character of its goods is subjected to a network of regulations by governmental agencies at all stages of the supply chain. The European Union has developed a one-of-a-kind, creative, and transparent hygiene policy that has delegated primary responsibility for food safety throughout the food chain to sector operators.
European industrial technologies have adopted and developed in order to continue to deliver competitive products suited to contemporary preferences while keeping the traditional features that form the foundation of its gourmet culture.